Articulated SEL for K-12 Schools and Districts

Curating culturally responsive SEL resources into an articulated scope and sequence is crucial for SEL in K-12 Schools and Districts to be sustainable and effective. IFSEL offers consulting support to schools looking to develop, refine, or refresh their SEL scope and sequence. 

The product of this creative work with schools is a flexible, responsive, and evidence-led scope and sequence, populated by high-quality, experiential SEL lessons and resources.

Note: All IFSEL resources are aligned with the CASEL SEL Competencies and the International School Counselor Association (ISCA) Framework


  • IFSEL team members will work closely with your SEL leaders to ensure that a clear framework for SEL is in place. This includes an SEL Philosophy Statement and an SEL Framework defining the SEL competencies. 
  • We will work to support your team to create or select a framework of SEL outcomes, usually for banded grades. 
  • We will use your ‘program parameters’ (time, frequency, scope) to co-create a draft scope and sequence, integrating existing SEL lesson resources alongside IFSEL’s comprehensive lesson library.

Design Principles

  • SEL should be both intentional and planned, as well as flexible and responsive to the needs of students.
  • 'Connection must come before Content’, and so our resources prioritize nurturing a sense of belonging, alongside teaching specific SEL themes and topics.  
  • SEL resources should be culturally responsive, and grounded in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. This means integrating a focus on identity, positionality, and privilege into all SEL teaching. 

To learn more about IFSEL's Scope & Sequence Support please connect with Nick Haisman-Smith at

Join our Session

“Not Another Initiative!”
3 Ways to Embed SEL in School Culture and Make It Stick

Nov. 8th @ 3:00 - 3:45
Room A402

Offering insights, free tools, and actionable plans, this session will explore strategies to build an equity-rooted, whole-community approach to SEL. We’ll share practices and school case studies that focus on cultivating educator and student engagement and building a culture of care. You will leave with ideas to help SEL feel joyful, sustainable, and not just “one more thing to do."

Catalyzed by SEL: Integrating SEL into Every Classroom

This highly practical, two-session online course will provide 4th - 12th Grade teachers and administrators with myriad strategies for embedding SEL directly within any learning moment.

Two 2.5 Hour Session March 4 & 6
Grades K-12
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Restorative Practices Workshop

Two-day workshop offers K-12 educators, administrators, and counselors a comprehensive model of proactive and responsive approaches for Peace Building and Conflict Resolution.

April 15 & 16
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Teaching with Nature: Crafting Curriculum & Cultivating Wellness

Nature is one of IFSEL's Ten Educator Practices because it has the power to profoundly impact our teaching and learning. In this workshop, discover how insights from the natural world can play a leading role in your school environment.

May 7, 2025
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325 Sharon Park Dr., Suite 845
Menlo Park, CA 94025